Posted by : Wahyu Prasatiya Jumat, 30 Agustus 2019

Hard Disk Drive - It is a non-volatile storage device which stores digitally encoded data on rapidly rotating platters with magnetic surfaces.

Types of HDD:
IDE: Integrated Drive Electronics. IDE drives are also known as PATA drives (Parallel advance attachment technology)
SATA: Serial advance technology attachment
SCSI: Small Computer System Interface. SCSI is pronounced as scuzzy.
SAS: Serial Attached SCSI

IDE / PATA (Integrated Drive Electronics Drive / Parallel Advance Technology Attachment Drive)


IDE / PATA Drives have usually 40 pins.
IDE / PATA Drives offer 133MB / sec transfer rate.
It sends 8 bits of data at a time.
PATA Cables are used to connect PATA HDD. Two drives can be connected in a single pata cable. One as master and other as slave. The configuration of master and slave is done by different combinations of jumpers in the hdd.
SATA (Serial Advance Technology Attachment Drive)


SATA Drives have usually 7 pins, 4 pins in pair of two for sending and
 receiving data and rest 3 pins are grounded.
SATA Drives offers generally 300MB / sec transfer rate.
It sends data bit by bit.
SATA Cables are used to connect SATA HDD. Only one drive can be connected in a single sata cable.
SCSI (Small Computer System Interface Drive)
SCSI Drives have usually 50 to 68 pins.
SCSI Drive offers generally 640MB / sec transfer rate.
These drives are hot swappable.
SCSI cables are used to connect SCSI HDD. Maximum of 16 drives can be connected in a single SCSI cable. Each hdd has a 8 bytes hexadecimal code known as WWN (world wide name) for its identification in the cable.
SAS (Serial Attached SCSI Drive)

SAS Drives generally offers 805MB / sec transfer rate.
These drives are hot swappable.
SAS Cables are used to connect SAS Drives. Maximum of 128 drives can be connected in a single SAS cable.


Berbagai jenis Hard Disk Drive

Hard Disk Drive - Ini adalah perangkat penyimpanan yang tidak mudah menguap yang menyimpan data yang dikodekan secara digital pada piring yang berputar cepat dengan permukaan magnet.

Jenis HDD:
IDE: Elektronik Drive Terpadu. Drive IDE juga dikenal sebagai drive PATA (teknologi attachment paralel paralel)
SATA: Lampiran teknologi kemajuan seri
SCSI: Antarmuka Sistem Komputer Kecil. SCSI dilafalkan sebagai scuzzy.
SAS: Serial Attached SCSI

IDE / PATA (Drive Elektronik Terpadu Drive / Drive Attachment Teknologi Parallel Advance)

Drive IDE / PATA biasanya memiliki 40 pin.
Drive IDE / PATA menawarkan kecepatan transfer 133MB / detik.
Ini mengirimkan 8 bit data sekaligus.
Kabel PATA digunakan untuk menghubungkan PATA HDD. Dua drive dapat dihubungkan dalam satu kabel pata. Satu sebagai tuan dan lainnya sebagai budak. Konfigurasi master dan slave dilakukan oleh berbagai kombinasi jumper di hdd.
SATA (Drive Lampiran Teknologi Seri Muka)

Drive SATA biasanya memiliki 7 pin, 4 pin berpasangan dua untuk mengirim dan menerima data dan sisanya 3 pin di-ground.
SATA Drives umumnya menawarkan kecepatan transfer 300MB / detik.
Ini mengirimkan data sedikit demi sedikit.
Kabel SATA digunakan untuk menghubungkan HDD SATA. Hanya satu drive yang dapat dihubungkan dalam satu kabel data.
SCSI (Drive Antarmuka Sistem Komputer Kecil)

Drive SCSI biasanya memiliki 50 hingga 68 pin.
Drive SCSI umumnya menawarkan kecepatan transfer 640MB / detik.
Drive ini hot swappable.
Kabel SCSI digunakan untuk menghubungkan HDD SCSI. Maksimal 16 drive dapat dihubungkan dalam satu kabel SCSI. Setiap hdd memiliki kode heksadesimal 8 byte yang dikenal sebagai WWN (nama dunia luas) untuk identifikasi di kabel.
SAS (Drive SCSI Terpasang Serial)

SAS Drives umumnya menawarkan kecepatan transfer 805MB / detik.
Drive ini hot swappable.
Kabel SAS digunakan untuk menghubungkan SAS Drives. Maksimal 128 drive dapat dihubungkan dalam satu kabel SAS.


{ 1 komentar... read them below or add one }

  1. Hard disk is a computer hardware that provides storage space that is used to store or read data on a computer. Hard disk is a type of computer memory that has non-volatile memory properties which means that data on this type of memory will not be lost even if the device has been turned off. Unlike the RAM storage media that only stores data as long as the device has power. There are various types of hard drives, including: IDE: Integrated Drive Electronics. IDE drives are also known as PATA drives (Parallel advance attachment technology)
    SATA: Serial advance technology attachment
    SCSI: Small Computer System Interface. SCSI is pronounced as scuzzy.
    SAS: Serial Attached SCSI


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